For a large number of registrations, an approval process is required. With EventReference, registrations can be automatically approved, automatically declined or given the status awaiting approval when they register.
Automatic approvals and declines can instantly verify registrations based on criteria such as email address domains for those high security events, which takes away the manual approval process for these registrants. You can also enable automatic approvals and declines based on certain answers provided during registration.
Sometimes a manual approval and decline method is required where decisions need to be made on the whole registration. In this case, workflows can be easily run on registrants awaiting approval, either individually through buttons or on mass through batch processing. This process allows multiple tasks to be actioned against records in a single click; set a new status, upgrade or downgrade to a new badge type and generating a particular email content to name a few.
The approval process easily allows you to manage registrations in the best way suited to your events needs.